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HomeEventsSSA Is Invited to the Alameda YC Crab Feed January 25, 2025

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SSA Is Invited to the Alameda YC Crab Feed January 25, 2025

Date and Time

Saturday, January 25, 2025, 2:00 PM until 6:00 PM


Alameda Yacht Club
1535 Clement Avenue
Alameda, CA  94501


Social Events

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only

About this event

Alameda YC is having a Crab Feed Fundraiser at their club on Saturday January 25, 2pm to 6pm. The menu is crab (3 pounds per person), salad, pasta, garlic bread and dessert. The fee to SSA members, paid I advance through the website is $45 HOWEVER the total fee per person is $75. With the approval of the Officers and many SSA members, SSA will underwrite $30 per person which is essentially a donation to AYC so they can upgrade their club. Since SSA really enjoys having our Mixers there and attending other events there it is felt that this is a good investment. Being able to cater in food there or cook in the galley is a real savings. No tickets will be sold at the door, you can only attend by signing up and paying through the website. This offer is for Active Members only and only SSA members, no dates or family since the club is underwriting the event. Please sign up by Tuesday January 14 so we can be sure there is the space and we can all attend. There is only one seating.